World Congress on Organic Chemistry
Thursday, October 24, 2024 - Friday, October 25, 2024
Welcome to the main event of the “World Congress on Organic Chemistry” The Organic Chemistry conference. Presented by ScitechSeries, This HYBRID EVENT allows you to participate as In person at Montreal, Canada or Virtually from your home or workplace on October 24-25, 2024,
The theme is “Discussing the Development and Applications of Functional Organic Compounds.” This means we're going to talk about how new and useful molecules are made in Organic Chemistry.
It's like building blocks for the future. This is a big chance to meet and learn from top experts, chemists, and smart people from all around the world who work with these molecules. By being part of the “WCOC 2024," you're showing that you care about new ideas and moving forward. Let's talk, connect, and make plans for a brighter future together through the world of Organic Chemistry. Your involvement is a big step towards making new discoveries and shaping what's coming next.
Contact Information
reni martin